Ensuring the Country's Space Security in the Conflict Between the Theory of Peaceful Use of Space and the Approach of Weaponization it

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student, International Law Group, Central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant professor, International Law Group, Central Tehran branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


Man's entry into outer space and specifically the use of satellites does not have much history compared to airplanes and ships. This has caused many uses of satellites in space to be associated with various legal uncertainties. The governments with satellite technology claim to use satellites in order to strengthen their interests and national security and based on this, they have prioritized military and weapons satellites; , they want the peaceful use of space for satellites and the prohibition of weaponization of this space. The main question in the present article, which is done in a descriptive-analytical way, is that in the legal conflict of peaceful use of satellites by weaponizing outer space and emphasizing security components, which one should prevail? The result of the current research is that the principle of peaceful use of satellites in the mentioned space has gradually decreased in importance and due to this, it is no longer possible to consider peacefulness as a basic security-oriented component in the field of using satellites. and this allows other governments, including Iran, to take advantage of their security interests in outer space by complying with their requirements according to the United Nations Charter and in order to legitimately defend their security interests. It seems that as a suggestion, it is possible to refer to the necessity of COPUS, which should prepare and approve a binding document regarding countering the weaponization of space through the use of military satellites. governments to deliver


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